Spring 1 2024 Release notes

Release date: 15.03.2024

On 15.03.2024, the Spring 1 Release 2024 introduces new features and enhancements across Onix Work, Onix Worker and the new Onix Tool Store. Explore now :point_down:

:arrow_forward: View recordings of release webinars: English | Norwegian.



Support new languages: Portuguese and German

All Onix products now support Portuguese and German. You can switch between these languages either in a product’s user settings or in the preferred language option within your Onix Account.



[NEW] New Companies module :fire:

Collaborating with other companies is now easier with the new Companies module. It combines the old version and the Connected companies settings into one place, enabling you to:

  • Switch views, filter, sort, and group company lists effortlessly.
  • Understand which equipment data is shared between your company and partners more clearly.
  • Polish your company profile with additional and specific details to better connect with new partners.

:exclamation: IMPORTANT NOTE: The current Companies module will be replaced completely. Switching between two versions is not supported.

:point_right: Read more:

[NEW] Dashboards - View equipment and job trends over various time intervals :fire:

Gain instant insights and make informed decisions with the ability to view equipment and job data in days, weeks, months, quarters or years. This functionality is available in the familiar Equipment from view and new Job from view widgets.

[NEW] Dashboards - New set of standard dashboards based on roles :fire:

Introducing 4 standard dashboards designed for distinct roles: Equipment owner, Inspector, Supplier and Worker. Available to all companies via the Dashboards module, each standard dashboard comes with a thoughtfully predefined set of widgets. You can pin the most relevant dashboard to access useful data more conveniently.

[NEW] Dashboards - New “Job from view” widget

With the new Job from view widget in Dashboards module, you can have a clear and comprehensive view of inspection data. The configurability is similar to the Equipment from the view widget and various fields are supported for visualization.

[ENHANCED] Orders - Recall selected equipment in a processed transaction :fire:

You can flexibly choose one or multiple equipment from a processed transaction to recall, eliminating the need to recall the entire order. Kindly note that this recall action’s impact varies based on the form used in each order line.

:point_right: Read more.

[ENHANCED] Orders - View recall history of an order line

An order line’s recall history lets you view which equipment was recalled and any associated comments, enhancing the order’s data transparency and clarity. You can view the recall history when opening an order line and switching to its Numbering – Processed tab.

[ENHANCED] Orders - Ensure product rules during reprocessing

Now when you reprocess equipment, the relevant product rules will be enforced to ensure your consistency in equipment data.

[ENHANCED] Define your own choices of system properties

Now you can create your own list of predefined options in system properties with the “choices” input type, expanding beyond the default options in Onix Work. Enjoy additional convenience and efficiency as you manage equipment on a regular basis.

Here’s how:

  • In the Equipment module, select an equipment → In its Properties section, choose Edit.
  • In the pop-up panel, choose Select properties → Choose Manage properties → Find and select a property with “System” type and “Choices” / “Choices & Freetext” input type.
  • In the property’s Choices section, turn on the Use customized values toggle.

[ENHANCED] New sub-privilege “Companies - Manage company connections”

Following the new Companies module’s release, a new sub-privilege named Manage company connections is added under the main privilege Companies. In addition, we have removed the sub-privilege Manage connected companies from the main privilege Settings. This adjustment ensures that privileges are well-aligned with their respective main privileges and up-to-date with the system’s functionalities.

:point_right: Read more: How the current settings are migrated to the new sub-privilege.

[ENHANCED] New standard equipment views: “Delivered equipment” and “Preventive maintenance expired”

Discover a shortcut in the Equipment module to a list of equipment that your company supplied to customers: Delivered equipment standard view.
Meanwhile, the Preventive maintenance expired view helps you easily track and manage overdue preventive inspections.



[NEW] Create multiple equipment at once :fire:

Work more efficiently as now you can create multiple equipment with the same details, all in one go!

:point_right: Read more.



[ENHANCED] Show only available equipment by default during checkout process

Now, by default, the checkout presents only Available equipment view, eliminating the clutter of rented-out items. This change ensures a more efficient workflow as you can quickly locate relevant equipment without unnecessary distractions.

[ENHANCED] Identify your devices with custom names

During the initial setup process, a default device name is suggested and you have the flexibility to rename it. As a result, identifying devices where the new Onix Tool Store application is installed has become a clearer and more user-friendly experience.