Deliver equipment with documents in Orders module

The Orders module is optimized to create equipment with documentation for your customers.


  • In Orders module, select New in the top left.
  • Insert order details and customer information.
    • Section Supplier is used when your logged-in company is not the supplier, but your POS or ERP system is the one responsible for the order. You may choose from your Express company list and your logged-in company.
  • Hit Save to continue registering more information for the order.
  • In section Instructions, you might change Form requirement and Control regime to generate the accurate documents for your customer.
    • You can view instructions inserted from Companies module if you have inserted them on this customer company.
      Update the internal instructions in Order details will update the internal instruction in Companies module.
    • To use Owner’s equipment ID on equipment or not, check the box underneath.

This Status progress indicator is manually applied and is NOT automatic. Therefore, do not forget to change order status to keep others informed about how far you’ve progressed in the workflow.


  • In an order, go to tab Order Lines to add equipment.
  • Select New to choose a product as a template for your equipment.
  • Decide the amount of equipment created from the order in the field Quantity.
  • Equipment and relevant documentation will be generated if Create Equipment and file Job is selected.

After order lines are created, you must number all equipment before you can process the order:

  • Switch to tab Numbering to fill out information to all equipment in the list.
  • When you start inserting serial numbers, the Prefix/Suffix set up from Products module will be suggested as default values to help you quickly fill out information for the serial series.

  • Except for Serial number which will be added in ascending order, the rest will be added identically.
  • Double-check tab Documents and tab Forms to ensure the documents generated from the orders are accurate for your customers.
  • Use the Status progress indicator to update the order line status.


  • Select the order or wanted order lines.
  • On the top ribbon, select the Order tab.
  • Click on Show and choose the suitable listing option.
    • Listed per document type: Documents of the same type will be listed only once, eliminating duplicates for a cleaner view.
    • Listed per order line: Documents will be listed separately for each order line, allowing you to easily identify their linked order lines.



  • Click on Validate order and update/adjust information if needed.
  • Process order: All the order lines will be processed to generate equipment and documents.
  • Process selected lines: Check the boxes then click on Process selected line to process only selected order lines.
  • You can find processed equipment in the Processed tab.


Recall order

  • Go to the Recall tab and select the wanted order line.
  • Click on Recall button.


  • If any changes are made to the order or newly created equipment, recall is no longer an option after processing.
  • Recalling can be done up to 14 days after processing the order.

Recall selected equipment of a processed transaction

  • Open the order line → Go to Numbering → Switch to Processed tab.
  • Select the wanted equipment → Click on Recall.
  • Fill in your comment (if any) → OK.

The recall action’s expected result varies based on the form used in each order line. If the order line uses:

  • Only forms for single equipment: Only the selected equipment will be recalled.
  • At least one form for multiple equipment: All equipment in the same transaction of that order line will be recalled.
  • Oppdrett (M): All equipment in the same transaction that uses Oppdrett (M) will be recalled regardless of their order lines. This means that the recall action affects multiple order lines at once.

You will get a warning message in cases of form for multiple equipment and Oppdrett (M).