Autumn 1 2024 Release notes

Release date: 27.09.2024

The Autumn 1 Release 2024 introduces new forms and platform-wide features for inspection tracking, testing and order processing. In addition, Onix Work, Onix Worker, and Onix Pick and Pack each gain important new functionalities. These updates expand your testing capabilities, streamline document handling and enhance collaboration with colleagues.

Explore the details below :point_down:

:link: Download Norwegian version.
:link: Autumn 1 2024 release webinar (available after 02.10.2024).



1. Forms

Perform non-destructive testing with the new “NDT Report”

Available for design in Onix Work – Settings and for use in both Onix Work and Onix Inspect, the new “NDT report” form provides flexibility for non-destructive testing. You can easily create form variants for any NDT technique with 2 layout options and multiple data inputs such as numbers, choices or texts. This ensures your inspection data is accurate, standardized and adaptable to your specific testing requirements.

:point_right: Read more.

Create PDF documents for preventive maintenance jobs

You can now generate PDF documentation for preventive maintenance with the new “Service report”. Designed for easy viewing and distributing, Service report ensures not only the transparency of maintenance jobs but also regulatory compliance.

To start using Service report, go to Onix Work – Settings – Forms and set its status to “Active”. To set up its default and variants, refer to the instructions here: Settings – Manage forms and form variants.

:exclamation:Important note:
Using the Service Report, you will generate documents for preventive maintenance jobs. This action will affect your company’s storage use and Onix Express’s documents volume.

:point_right: Preview default Service Report
:point_right: Preview Service Report with sample inputs

New “Bill of Materials” form

Listing all equipment parts needed for manufacturing and maintenance, the “Bill of Materials” form will enhance your equipment management, especially with main and sub equipment. The form can only be created using Onix Work, either from processing an order line or from a manually created job.

To start using Bill of Materials, contact your company’s Customer Success Manager at Onix to activate it. After the form is activated, to set up the form’s default, go to Onix Work – Settings – Forms or refer to the instructions here: Settings – Manage forms and form variants.


2. All applications

[NEW] “Close to due” status adjusts to the duration of job intervals :fire:

Ensure timely inspection and maintenance actions as the display and notification of “Close to due” status adjusts to the job interval’s duration. The due status changes from green to yellow based on specific durations, such as 7 days prio­­­­r for monthly intervals or 45 days prior for annual intervals.

The following rule applies to all job intervals of all companies within Onix system:

Duration of job interval When due status changes to “Close to due”
Equal or less than 7 days 1 day prior to the due date
Equal or less than 1 month 7 days prior to the due date
More than 1 month 45 days prior to the due date

[NEW] Identify the purpose of job intervals with system description

You can now select a Job interval description when creating new job intervals within equipment, jobs, or products. Our predefined descriptions allow you to clearly label intervals with the same job class and duration.

After this release, you can select from the following system descriptions:

  • DROPS – Dropped Object Prevention Scheme (DROPS) inspection
  • EX – Explosion Inspection (Explosion resistance)
  • LT – Load Testing
  • NDT – Non-destructive Testing

[NEW] “Product type” is renamed as “Product class”; “Equipment type” is renamed as “Equipment class”

These 2 display fields are renamed to clearly distinguish from other fields:

  • “Product type” is now called “Product class”
  • “Equipment type” is now called “Equipment class”

[NEW] Introduce “Part” - New product and equipment class

“Part” – the new product and equipment class will improve how you manage a large amount of main equipment. After the release, part equipment will be excluded from all standard equipment views except for All equipment.

As non-unique sub equipment are filtered out, you can enjoy a more focused equipment list view. To view part equipment, create your custom view and adjust the view’s default filter for equipment class.

[NEW] “Base document” is renamed as "Shared document library”

Formerly called “Base documents”, the new name “Shared document library” reflects the feature’s role for reusable and shared documents. As before, it continues to help you easily manage documents across products, equipment and order lines.

[NEW] Onix web apps and installation pages change to “” domain

As we transition to the unified Onix brand, all of our applications and software installation pages are moving to the “” domain.

You won’t face any disruptions and no action is required. The web applications and installation pages will be automatically redirected to the new domain, while the old URLs are still maintained.

[ENHANCED] New control categories: CX, C1 and C2

In Onix system, we’ve added 3 new control categories to help you accurately manage telescopic trucks:

  • Main control category: “CX – Telescopic truck”
  • Sub control category:
    • “C1 – Telescopic truck with lifting capacity up to 10 tons”
    • “C2 – Slewing telescopic truck with lifting capacity up to 10 tons”


3. Onix Work

[NEW] Orders - More efficient document handling in order lines :fire:

In the Orders module, documents can be added to the order lines from your local device besides the Shared document library or product. You will easily locate these documents thanks to their empty Origin field.

Moreover, any document can be linked to one or multiple specific equipment by serial or batch number. This ensures documents like certificates or instructions are correctly matched to the relevant equipment. After the order line is processed, these documents will be found under the matched equipment.

:point_right: Read more.

[NEW] Remove documents with serial numbers from Shared document library when added to order lines

This functionality helps keep the Shared Document Library organized by avoiding unnecessary storage of one-time-use documents. Documents like certificates or declarations of conformity remain in the library until the equipment is delivered. Once a document which contains equipment ID is added to an order line, you can choose to remove it from the library.

[NEW] Create sub equipment from grouped order lines

Easily number and create sub equipment in the Orders module with the new “Create sub equipment” option. When this option is turned on:

  • Sub equipment are generated from grouped order lines during processing.
  • The quantities of main and sub equipment are ensured to properly align with each other.
  • Each item of the sub order line can be numbered individually with its unique equipment ID.

:point_right: Read more.

[NEW] Share link to an equipment or issue with your team :fire:

Easily share a direct URL of an equipment or issue with another user, improving collaboration and communication.

In Onix Work, these links are copied to the clipboard so you can send them via email or messaging. Here’s how:

  • Open an equipment or an issue.
  • Press the Copy link button on the toolbar → A link to the equipment or issue will be copied to your clipboard. You can paste this link as a text where relevant.

[NEW] Add sub equipment as display fields to table layout

In the Equipment module’s table layout, main equipment and its sub equipment are now displayed in a single row. You can:

  • View up to 30 sub equipment as display fields.
  • Export this equipment list to an Excel file.
  • Choose which identifiers of the sub equipment to show, such as product or serial numbers.

:point_right: Read more.

[ENHANCED] Connect main and sub equipment in both ways

With this enhancement in the Equipment module, you can flexibly create the connection from either the main or sub equipment. In other words, any equipment can:

  • Be added as a sub equipment to an existing main equipment; or
  • Get another sub equipment attached to it.

[ENHANCED] Equipment – New standard view: “My department”

In the Equipment module, the “My department” standard view displays a list of all items currently assigned to your department. To access this view, click on the current view’s name next to the search box and choose it from the Standard views section.


4. Onix Worker

[NEW] Create jobs with a step-by-step process :fire:

The job creation process has been redesigned with a more user-friendly interface and step-by-step experience. With larger, more intuitive action buttons, Onix Worker users can complete jobs more easily. Moreover, clear and prompt messages ensure you properly file jobs after completion, reducing errors and missed filings.

:point_right: Read more.

[NEW] Share link to an equipment or issue with your team :fire:

Easily share a direct URL of an equipment or issue with another user, improving collaboration and communication.

In Onix Worker, the equipment or issue can be shared as QR codes for scanning, or as hyperlinks for sending via email or messaging applications that are available on your current device. Here’s how:

  • Open an equipment or an issue.
  • Press the Share button on the toolbar → Choose to share as a QR code or link.
  • If you choose to share as a QR code:
    • Show the QR code to your recipient so that they can scan it.
    • After scanning, they then can view the equipment or issue details in Onix Worker or browser.
  • If you choose to share as a link:
    • Select the email or messaging application to share the link → Select the recipient.
    • By default, the email or message will contain the link to the equipment or issue. You can add more content and tap Send to finish sharing.


5. Onix Pick and Pack

[NEW] Add documents to order lines :fire:

Onix Pick and Pack users can now directly add documents from the local device to order lines when picking equipment. Moreover, documents can be matched with specific equipment within an order line. With this new functionality, documents are managed right within Onix Pick and Pack.