Some control categories or job types are subject to specific legal requirements regarding documentation. Use form variants and rules to ensure your inspection documents comply with these regulations or remain relevant in various situations.
1. Set up a form’s default
In Onix Work - Settings:
- Open Forms → Select a form from the form list → Select the Default.
- Depending on your needs, fill in the Description and choose the form’s Counter, Default responsible and Default done by contact.
- Set up a general header for all languages, or customize headers per languages.
2. Create form variant
In Onix Work - Settings:
- Open Forms → Select a form from the form list.
- Variants, you can create several different variants based on the same form.
Select New, then insert a name for the variant.
Don’t forget to give a name that best describes the distinguished feature of the variant, which helps you easily specify the rule later.
Now you can edit the texts and the use of logo.
For example, in Inspection Report, you can create one variant that displays “Certifying Organisation Logo from the company” and another that displays “No logo”.
3. Create variant rules
After defining the required variants, you can apply variant rules to produce the correct document based on specified field criteria.
In tab Rules, select Add new to specify a new rule.
First, define the criteria for the rule and then select the variant from the ones you have created.
Based on your selection, the corresponding variant will be used to create document when the job meets the criteria.
In this example we will use variant Videresalg to produce document when job type Resale is selected in the job.
Important note:
When your job meets the two conditions of job type and control category, the variant specified for job type will be prioritized.
For job type and control category without a variant, the standard form specified in the Default tab is used.
4. NDT report: Perform non-destructive testing
4.1. Set up the NDT Report form’s default
- In Onix Work, go to Settings – Forms → Select NDT Report.
- Select the Default tab → Turn on the Active checkbox to put the form into use.
- (Optional) Fill in the Description, choose the form’s Counter, Default responsible and Default done by contacts.
4.2. Design an NDT Report
Step 1: Create a variant
- In Onix Work, go to Settings – Forms → Select NDT Report.
- Select the Variants tab → Click Add a variant.
- In Create new variant, complete the required fields: Active status, Description (name of the variant) and Form header → Fill in other fields if necessary → Create.
Step 2: Design form properties
Within the variant details, click on Open form properties designer.
In the Form properties designer:
- Click on Add a form property group and set up the group’s general details: Property group’s name, layout (2-column grid or table) and group description.
- Click Add a form property and set up the fields: Property’s name, input type and required toggle.
After setting up all form properties and groups, click Save to finish designing an NDT report.
4.3. Use NDT report in inspection jobs
NDT report form can be used for mandatory inspection jobs in Onix Work and Onix Inspect.
To select NDT report in a job:
- Create a job with “Mandatory inspection” job class.
- Select “NDT report” in Form → Select the relevant variant.
- Fill in other fields of Job details if necessary.
To complete an NDT report form:
- Within the job, open Form properties tab.
- Within the Form properties:
- Input the property values according to their input types.
- Add pictures by tapping on + in the Pictures section.
- Add your comment about the NDT report in the Comment field.
- To see how the final NDT report looks upon job completion, click on Preview.
When all the job details, checklists and NDT report have been completed, press File to finish the inspection and file the job.