Define company settings in the Settings module

You can configure your company information and determine how your fellow users use Onix Work in Settings module.
Access Settings in the upper right of the header.

1. Data access

1.1. About data access

To ensure data security and privacy, customer consent is required for Onix staff to view or make changes to your company’s account. As the company administrator, you control Onix staff’s access by granting or restricting their access.

Our Support team may request data access to facilitate troubleshooting and investigate reported issues. As the company administrator, you are promptly notified of this request via email and within Onix Work.

1.2. View and change data access status

There are 3 statuses of data access:

  • Restricted: Onix staff cannot access your company data.
  • Granted: Onix staff can access your company data for a definite period or permanently.
  • Pending: Your action is needed to grant or restrict access.

As an administrator, you can view and change the current status via Onix Work:

  • In Onix Work, go to the Settings module → Choose Data Access.
  • The current status is shown upfront.
  • To change it, click on Restrict access or Grant access and set an expiration date (if necessary).

When any Onix staff requests access to your company, you and other administrators will be notified via email. You can handle this request by restricting or granting the data access.

2. Equipment receival & conversion

Equipment received from other member companies will not usually match your equipment description.
You can standardize your equipment information by converting the products and properties in Equipment receival & conversion.

2.1. Product linking

The Products tab contains products that are being used in your equipment and has no link to any product of your company.

  • Select a product in the list to create link to your product.
  • You can search from existing products, or create new one, default value will get from the product of the supplier.

On the contrary, the Product Links tab contains products that are being linked to a product of your company. By default, only products that have equipment needing conversion are listed. If you activate the conversion, your equipment in external products that have link to your product will be converted.

  • Select Finalize Manually to have a look at the equipment that is in queue for auto-conversion.
  • Click on Finalize to run the conversion right away.

Important note:
The equipment must have at least a Certificate, Control Documentation, or 4-year Control Documentation to be converted.

2.2. Property Linking

This section is very similar to Product linking, where you map the properties being used in your equipment to another property in your company.
If you use existing property, it’s highly recommended that you create link to the system properties.

2.3. Manage Properties

This section helps to clean up your properties by merging duplicated properties. Each property listed has a number of similar properties, calculated based on description.

When you add duplicated properties to the list, all similar properties will be picked up by default and merged.

3. My Company

3.1. Users & Roles

For detailed instructions, please refer to How to use Users & Roles.

3.2. Locations, Areas and Departments

If you have a business with multiple locations, Onix Work lets you create locations and their associated sub areas as geographical indicators as to where the equipment is located.

  • You can also create separate departments so that you can manage large groups and different types of employees easily.
  • A location can be assigned to a managing department and have a managing contact within your own company.

4. Connected Content

4.1. Control categories

Control category is a standard categorization of equipment.

  • Select Change Selection in the toolbar and tick off the control categories your company is using.
  • If you wish to use a verifier for the control category on Inspection Report, tick off Use Verifier on Inspection. Then only users with this privilege can archive Inspection Report for the selected control category.
  • You can link a checklist to a certain control category and set as default for each job class.

In tab Regime Intervals, you cant set predefined values by the number of month(s) for job intervals, which later will be the default interval in Mandatory Inspection.

  • Upon demand, adjust +/- days. This adjustment will affect Next Due Date calculation in jobs.
  • Go to tab Regime Categories and link the corresponding regime interval to control category.

4.2. Checklists

For detailed instructions on how to set up and manage checklists, please refer to How to create and set up Checklists.

Important note:
Checklist can only be deleted if it has never been used.

4.3. Counters

A counter lets you determine a series of number for documentation.

  • In Settings > Forms, you can add a default counter to each form, and the same counter can be used for different forms.
  • When using counters on forms, counter will be added on Job Number.

5. System

5.1. System Setup

In this section, you can define a variety of general settings and preferences for your company to streamline your work.

  • In General tab, choose the role your company has and enable the required job class for your company.

    • Language decides the language in the emails sent to your company.
    • Default Form Language is the language for jobs when users in your company upload from Onix Inspection.
    • Alerts to owner of equipment is a report that will be sent out on a basis and consists of all equipment about to expire in the number of days registered.
  • In Delivery & Job tab:

    • Select Show Inspection Details to other companies will make the checklist be available for the equipment owner. Otherwise, the owner will only see the Inspection Report with the remarks from the checklist included.
  • In Issue tab:

  • Set the default issue owner per application the issue originates from.

  • Select the default entity being responsible for solving the issue.

5.2. External data-sources

Onix Work makes it possible to import products, equipment and users using Excel files.

  • Select the import process you wish to do.
  • Select Launch wizard and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.

After the import process is completed, you will receive an email with confirmation of uploaded equipment.

5.3. External linking

Use External Linking to set up multiple ERP IDs for your own company and your customers, and based on the order information, these IDs will be mapped automatically after transferring to Onix Work.

Use the search section to find the linking connection you have set up.

To set up new company linking connection, select New in tab Company links.

  • Linking connection for your own company:
    • Link type Supplier must be selected
    • Company selection is restricted from your Express companies and your own company
    • You cannot set up more than one connection for the same company and location
    • External ID must be unique between Suppliers
  • Linking connection for your customers:
    • Link type Customer must be selected
    • Company selection is all companies in your Company list
    • You are able to set up more than one connection for the same company and location
    • External ID must be unique between Customers

To set up new contact linking connection, select New in tab Contact links.
Follow the same steps as above:

  • Our reference has the same rules as Supplier, except that you are able to set up more than one connection for the same company and contact
  • Customer reference has the same rules as Customer

Later in Orders module, if you modify the information of Supplier or Customer in orders coming from ERP/API, the modified information will update the information in External Linking.

5.4. Workflow

Workflow allows you to create order statuses you need, re-order statuses for a “next status” flow, change colors and select the closing status to completely support your fulfillment workflow.

  • Set a status as Closed for numbering will turn the information in tab Numbering to read-only when the workflow reaches this status.
  • Set a status as Closed will turn the information of the whole order to read-only when the workflow reaches this status.

You have the option to limit the available status selection in Onix Tag by ticking off option Onix Tag can set to this status.

6. Company Profile

Company Profile is where you register information about your company, which is visible to other member companies when a connection is made. Setting up the company profile not only enhances your networking in the industry but also ensures accurate information on documents.

  • Change company and certifying organization’s logos. We recommend you prioritize these fields as they are visible on documents.

  • Control how your company appears to other member companies with the Overview and Company info sections:

    • Description: Share a compelling overview of your organization’s mission and values.
    • Organisation roles: Define your main and other roles in the industry, such as “Equipment owner”, “Supplier”, “Producer” or “Inspector”.
    • Organisation type, Industry and Organisation size: These fields provide insights into your company to help Onix Work display relevant connection opportunities.
  • Ensure accuracy in administrative tasks by completing the Invoice-related info section.