Manage equipment in Onix Worker

In Spring 2 Release 2023, the Equipment module of Onix Worker is revamped to better assist you with equipment management.


From Spring 2 Release 2023, the equipment views in Onix Worker will become in sync with Onix Work’s Modern Equipment module, including Shared views, My own views and Standard views.

Select and switch between views

  • Go to the Equipment module.
  • In the top ribbon, click the drop-down icon next to the view’s name → choose from the list of views.

Pin the current view

Tap the image icon on the top right → Pin this view .


Search equipment manually

Enter the search value in the Search bar → tab image

Scan equipment

  • Tap image in Home or in the Equipment module.
  • Select the scanner mode → scan the tag and get the results.

Without Onix Worker, you can still get equipment information by opening your tablet or phone’s built-in camera and scanning the tag.

To access your equipment list and their details anonymously, you can use the links provided by Onix Work. However, as an anonymous user, you cannot see jobs and issues or make any changes to that equipment.

For detailed information, please read this article: Viewing equipment anonymously.


Filter the equipment list

Besides filtering equipment based on their display fields and properties, you can add, remove and reorder the filtering criteria to match your needs.

To turn the filter on and off:

  • In the Equipment module, select the 3-dot icon on the top right of the screen —> click on Filter —> A list of filter criteria will appear.
  • Fill in or clear the criteria’s content.
  • NOTE: In Onix Worker, you can only use 2 filtering sub-criteria of the Equipment Ownership: Location and Area (Company, Contact and Project are not available).


To add, remove or reorder the filtering criteria:

  • To add: Click on Select criteria —> select Add a field or Add an equipment property —> select from a list of display fields or properties.
  • To remove: Click on the X icon of each criterion tile.
  • To reorder: long press the criterion tile or hold the 6-dot icon —> drag the criterion to the wanted location.


Sort the equipment list

  • Click the grey button below the Search box —> a list of display fields and properties of the current view will appear.
  • Select the field or property by which you want to sort —> choose the sorting order: A-Z (ascending) or Z-A (descending).



These new features will help you generate equipment lists quickly, reducing dependence on Onix Work and keeping up with changing needs.

Create new equipment

  • In the Equipment module, tap the + button on the top ribbon.
  • Fill in the new equipment’s information. The mandatory fields are Serial no. (or Batch no.), Control Category and SupplierSave.

Create copy from an equipment

  • Select it → tap the + button → Create copy.

Delete an equipment

  • Select it → tap the Delete icon on the top right.


Add equipment pictures with texts

  • In the Equipment tile, tap on the thumbnail picture
  • Tap + to upload your equipment picture or take a new one. The latest uploaded picture will be used as the equipment’s thumbnail by default when there is no default one

NOTE: This function is NOT available for accounts with Limited Access privilege.

To add texts in the pictures:

  • Open an image: Choose an existing photo or upload a new one from your device.
  • Access the Text tool: Tap on the Pen icon on the bottom left corner —> choose the Text tool.

To customize your text:

  • Locate the text: Hold and drag the text box to your desired location.
  • Change Color & Size : Tap on the 2 buttons in the bottom toolbar —> make adjustments as you wish.
  • Undo: Revert the previous step and effortlessly correct any mistakes.
  • Save: Do not forget to press this button on the top right corner to save your changes!

Link equipment to a tag

  • Find and select the equipment → Tap image on the top command bar.

Update other information

  • Tap image on the Equipment details or Properties sections → Input details and tap Save.
  • The number of fields that you are allowed to update depends on your account access privilege.

With the Add new function, you are also enabled to:

  • Create new jobs and issues
  • Handle issues
  • View and add documents manually (if you have the right privileges)


View main/sub equipment

In the equipment list, you can quickly identify whether an item is a main or sub equipment based on its icon. To find the detailed links of any main and sub equipment, open that item’s detail and tap on the Main/sub equipment section.

Link main or sub equipment

To link the item with new main or sub equipment:

  • Open the Main/sub equipment section.
  • Tap on the + button → Select Add main equipment or Add sub equipment.
  • Search for and select the required equipment either manually or by scanning. You can select multiple sub equipment, but ONLY 1 main equipment.

Unlink main or sub equipment

To remove the item’s link with main or sub equipment:

  • Open the Main/sub equipment section.
  • Swipe left on the required main or sub equipment → Tap on Remove and confirm your action.