Generate Reports in the Modern Equipment module

From Summer 1 Release 2023 , say hello to more streamlined equipment management with full Reports functions! In just a few clicks, you can easily gather and organize all the information you need in various convenient formats.


1.1. Why it helps

  • Customized exports: Export only the equipment you need by customizing your view
  • Increased productivity: Save time by exporting your equipment list quickly and easily
  • Better collaboration: Share your exported equipment list with your team
  • Data analysis: Use the exported data for analysis, reporting, or other purposes

1.2. How to do it

The function will get all your Display fields in your current View and turn them into columns in an .xlsx file

  • So if you want to get the data that best meets your needs, you should CUSTOMIZE YOUR VIEW FIRST
  • LIMIT: You can only export 10.000 ITEMS ONLY.

1.2.1. Export ALL equipment from a view

  • Customize your view to get the required data → DO NOT SELECT ANY EQUIPMENT (otherwise, only selected equipment will be exported).
  • And hit this button image on your toolbar → Select image
  • The icon image indicates that Onix Work is processing your data.
  • Once done, theimage icon will be shown up on your toolbar, and the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.


When you select the checkbox next to the ID column, ONLY loaded equipment are selected. That is why this action WILL NOT help you in export all equipment data.

1.2.2. Export SELECTED equipment from a view

  • Customize your view to get the required data → SELECT THE WANTED EQUIPMENT.

  • On your toolbar select +image → Select image

  • The icon image indicates that Onix Work is processing your data.

  • Once done, the image icon will be shown up on your toolbar, and the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.


2.1. Why it helps

  • Efficiency: Have an organized overview of your equipment
  • Accuracy: Improve inventory tracking and resource allocation.
  • Reliability: Streamline maintenance scheduling for timely inspections.
  • Safety: Enhance safety measures and compliance with the industry’s regulations.
  • Finance: Make informed decisions with accurate cost estimation and budget planning

2.2. How to do it

  • Select the wanted equipment. MAXIMUM 1000 EQUIPMENT CAN BE SELECTED.

  • On your toolbar, click on image —> Select image

  • A new tab with the Table layout will be opened and display exactly the fields in your current view, where you can:

  • Sort your equipment:
    • Click on the name of the field —> Select sorting order.
  • Group your equipment:
    • Click on the name of the field —> Select Group by [field name].
  • Reset sorting/grouping:
    • Click on the name of the field —> Default from view.
  • Resize, reorder and remove unwanted columns:
    • To reorder: Click on the wanted column and drag it to the desired location.
    • To remove: Click on the name of the field —> Remove column.
  • Add Notes: The notes will appear on the top of the file after being printed.
  • Click on Print —> Make other necessary printing adjustments.


3.1. Why it helps

  • Quick access: Get all your equipment documents in one easy-to-read PDF file, based on their document type.
  • Time-saving: Generate the Document List Report with just a few clicks.
  • Organization: Keep your PDF documents organized and easy to manage.

3.2. How to do it


  • This report function ONLY includes the most recent document of each document type for the selected equipment, and will combine them into 01 single PDF file.
  • MAXIMUM 100 EQUIPMENT can be selected.

Here’s how:

  • Select the wanted equipment. **MAXIMUM 100 EQUIPMENT CAN BE SELECTED.

  • Hit this button image on your toolbar → Select image

  • In the pop-up panel, you can sort and select document types → Click OK → Your report will be ready afterwards.


4.1. Why it helps

  • Streamlined tracking: Provide a concise record of rentals.
  • Optimized resource management: Make informed decisions based on detailed rental data.
  • Data analysis: Use the exported data for cost control, budget planning, or other purposes.

4.2. How to do it

  • Select the desired equipment. MAXIMUM 1000 EQUIPMENT CAN BE SELECTED.

  • On your toolbar, select image—> Select image

  • Configure your date range and level of details —> OK —> A .pdf file will be generated for you to download or print.

    • Turn on Show details toggle: The table list contains rented equipment, date ranges and other details.
    • Turn off Show details toggle: The table list contains only the rented equipment and overall numbers.


5.1. Why it helps

  • Efficient access: Easily retrieve vital equipment details.
  • Enhanced safety: Ensure immediate access to safety guidelines and operating instructions.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Quickly and conveniently access product information.

5.2. How to do it

  • Select the desired equipment. MAXIMUM 10000 EQUIPMENT CAN BE SELECTED.

  • On your toolbar, select
    image—> Select image

  • Set up Format:

    • QR code only:
      • Turn off the QR code only toggle: Customize the size and layout of the report —> OK —> Each page contains 1 QR code with exactly the same layout.
      • Turn on the QR code only toggle: Customize the size —> OK —> Each page contains multiple QR codes without any details.

  • Sheet:
    • The QR codes are printed on A4 sheets, each of which contains multiple codes and related fields.


6.1. Why it helps

  • Efficient access: Easily retrieve vital equipment details.
  • Enhanced safety: Ensure immediate access to safety guidelines and operating instructions.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Quickly and conveniently access product information.

6.2. How to do it

  • On your toolbar, select image
    —> Select image or image

  • Filter: Select the wanted company and locations/areas.

  • Set up size and layout:

    • Turn off the QR code only toggle to customize the size and layout of the QR codes.
    • Turn on the QR code only toggle to generate QR codes and leave out all other details.


7.1. Why it helps

  • Flexibility: Utilize QR codes for various purposes.
  • Efficiency: Easy tracking and organization of equipment.
  • Accuracy: Effortlessly encode and update the correct information.

7.2. How to do it

  • On your toolbar, select image —> Select image

  • Set up your report:

    • Select Quantity and Format.
      • QR code only: generate a PDF file containing QR codes.
      • Export to Excel: generate an Excel file containing URLs that you can use for linking later.