Import equipment from a csv file

Are you tired of manual data entry? Say no more! As Onix Work enables the import of equipment from external data sources, specifically by .csv files, you can now import a large number of equipment in just a few clicks.


  • Time-saving: Importing equipment through .csv files can be significantly faster than manually entering data into a system.
  • Error reduction: By importing equipment data through a .csv file, the chances of human error are reduced, as the file can be reviewed and checked before importing.
  • Scalability: Importing equipment data through .csv files allows for easy scaling of the data, making it easier to add new equipment or update existing data.
  • Standardization: Onix Work will provide you with an import file template, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the data set.


To import equipment using a .csv file, you must first prepare the correct data file using Onix Work’s standard template.

2.1. Prepare the equipment data file

In Onix Work:

  • Go to the Settings module → External data-sourcesImport equipment → under Import file Template, click See example. The file template should be downloaded.

In Excel:

  • Open a blank Excel workbook → DataGet data from Text/CSV → choose Onix Work’s file template.


  • Fill in your equipment’s data.
  • Mandatory fields: Control category, Serial No. (or Batch no.).
  • Import ID:
    • Import ID of every equipment MUST be unique (max 100 characters).
    • You should create different Import ID values every time you import. Because Onix Work matches each Import ID with one imported equipment, this suggestion will help you easily correct the data in case of mistakes and avoid unwanted changes to previously imported equipment.
  • Tip: Locations and/or Areas are optional fields, but it will be useful to fill them in beforehand.
  • After filling in the needed information, save as CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) file.

Important notes:

  • Max 200 equipment per import.
  • For further notes, go to Onix Work —> Settings module —> External data-sources —> Import equipment → under Verify your import file, click See details.

2.2. Launch the import process

  • In Onix Work, go back to the Import equipment tab.
  • Choose data to import: Launch wizard → Upload your file → Choose Field separatorsNext.

  • Edit field mapping:
    • Select field mapping.
    • Map the fields.
    • Choose the correct date format → Next → Save field mapping.

  • Review and start import:
    • Verify –> if any errors are detected, correct them.
    • Review your data → Start import.
  • The process of import will start and may take a few minutes. When the import is successful, you will receive a notification email and can find the equipment in the Equipment module.


If you accidentally upload the equipment with incorrect information, simply re-import a new .csv file with the correct data. Onix Work can help you update the equipment’s details by recognizing and matching the same Import IDs.

To help Onix Work correctly update the data, make sure you are strictly adhering to these rules:

  • When you prepare the new .csv file, the Import ID of the correct equipment MUST be the same with the Import ID of the previous imported equipment.
  • While you are importing, during Step 2 - Edit field mapping, map the Import ID field.