Manage Base documents in Orders, Products and Settings modules

The Summer 1 Release 2023 introduces significant changes to the control of base documents across three modules: Orders, Products, and Settings. The redesigned interface and streamlined functionalities aim at making document handling more efficient and user-friendly.


  • Exclude product documents: Choose which documents are processed in your order line, improving accuracy and collaboration.
  • Enhanced tracking: Easily track the origin of documents for better transparency.
  • User-friendly interface: The table layout provides a more informative display and easy access to essential functions.
  • Efficient management: Save time and effort with new filters, sorting and grouping functions.


The redesigned interface of Base document is applied in 3 modules: Orders, Products, Settings.

  • Table layout:
    • The list of documents and their details are displayed in a clear, intuitive Table layout.
    • The columns are resizable.

  • Edit: Adjust the document’s details, from general information to properties.

  • Sort:
    • Clicking on a field’s name allow you to sort documents against that field.
  • Search and Filter:
    • Filter out documents based on their status and types.
    • Search the document properties in the search box to quickly locate the documents.


3.1. Orders module

Include/Exclude or Remove base documents in an order line

You can easily decide which documents will be processed in an order line.

For documents taken from products by default:

  • When you create a new order line for a specific product, the default documents will be included in the order line.
    • You can find it in the Documents tab within the order line.
    • They will have Product origin.
  • You can exclude product documents by selecting a file —> click on Exclude button.
    • The file is still visible, yet it is greyed out and marked as Excluded. It will not be sent to your customers when the order line is processed.
    • You can include it again by selecting the document —> click on Include button —> the file is not greyed out anymore and will be processed normally.

For manually added Base documents:

  • You can manually search and pick other documents by clicking on Add document button.
    • You can select from the pool of Base documents, which are existing files in your company’s settings.
  • Select the file:
    • Search for it using the Search box or Filter button —> Select one or multiple documents —> Apply.
    • The newly added documents will have Base documents origin.
  • You can remove the document by selecting it —> clicking on Remove button.
    • The file will disappear from the order line.
    • You can add it again by clicking on the Add new document button —> search and select it manually.

Group and edit information of base documents

  • Group: Click on a column’s header to group base documents by that field.
  • Edit information of 1 base document: Select the item —> Edit —> Make changes to suitable fields.
    • Expand to preview for convenience when filling in information.
  • Edit information of multiple base documents: Select the wanted items —> Edit all —> Make changes to suitable fields.

3.2. Products module

Add or remove base documents from a product

From the existing Base documents in your company’s settings, to add a document to a product:

  • Clicking on Add document button —> Search for the desired file using the Search box or Filter button —> Select one or multiple files —> Apply.

  • You can remove the document by selecting it —> clicking on Remove button.
    • The file will disappear from the product.
    • You can add it again by clicking on the Add new document button —> search and select it manually.

:pushpin: Important note

Document data are now synced across the Onix Work platform; therefore, changes to a product’s documents will affect them in the order line created from that product.

  • In particular, if the order line is not yet processed, the documents in concern will have their origin changed into Base documents.
  • Such synchronization helps you accurately track your document and take needed actions promptly.

Group and edit information of base documents

  • Group: Click on a column’s header to group base documents by that field.
  • Edit information of 1 base document: Select the item —> Edit —> Make changes to suitable fields.
    • Expand to preview for convenience when filling in information.
  • Edit information of multiple base documents: Select the wanted items —> Edit all —> Make changes to suitable fields.

3.3. Settings module

Quickly link/unlink base documents to products

From the Table layout, you can see important information on the base documents, including linked products.

  • View which products are using a certain document by clicking on the underlined number.
  • Search box: Type document or product number to find a base document.
  • Link or unlink one or multiple base documents to product(s): select wanted item(s) —> Link to product —> Select one or more products —> Apply.

Upload or change status of base documents

To upload a document from your local device:

  • Clicking on Add document button —> Drag and drop the file to upload or browse your device.

  • You cannot delete the document from your company’s system, but you can make it inactive or update the most latest version:
    • Set inactive: Select the document —> turn the Active toggle off.
    • Update it: Select the document —> clicking on Replace button —> browse and upload file from your device.

Group and edit information of base documents

  • Group: Click on a column’s header to group base documents by that field.
  • Edit information of 1 base document: Select the item —> Edit —> Make changes to suitable fields.
    • Expand to preview for convenience when filling in information.
  • Edit information of multiple base documents: Select the wanted items —> Edit all —> Make changes to suitable fields.