Connecting Main/Sub equipment


I have issues with not being able to connect sub equipment to main, through sub equipment.

Previouly a sub meny appeared to chose " add as main or sub", but now the only option is as sub.

With thousands of identical subs this function is very inconvenient - can you please reverse this decision or fix it?


Hi again

Here is a very small example of the inconveniencies the change is causing.

For now all of the items that dont have parental connections will be listet up to choose from.
The challenge is that most of our customers have loose single equipment spread around in different workshops. Failing to pick the right one in that list will lead to “loosing” that item to another, and in worse case accidentally connecting a item with different certificate number, another batch or older item with unfortunate lifespan.



Hi @redkon ,

Thank you for raising this issue. We regret any inconvenience the new changes have caused.

To help us design the feature better, I need to understand your workflow more clearly.


  1. If there are thousands of identical sub-equipment items, how do you decide which sub-equipment to connect to which main equipment?
  2. Do you use any Excel files, paper, or other materials as additional input when working with connecting main/sub in Onix Work?

Understanding this might help us provide a better solution or even bring back the feature as you mentioned.

I have the feeling that the problem does not come from the direction of adding main/sub, but from the sub-equipment selection list not providing enough information.

(copy @kib )

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Answers to question:

1. If there are thousands of identical sub-equipment items, how do you decide which sub-equipment to connect to which main equipment?

When it comes to sub-equipment and “loose gear”, same type and with same ID’s we have following scenarios.
Were talking mainly about loose gear such as shackles of different types of eyebolts that has been manufactured with no unique ID’s.

  1. Brand new items ready to be mounted/attached (picked physically from shelves)
  2. Used items that has been used together with another parental item previously and I.ex later detached (physically been placed in a quarantine pallet with tags where it came from or unit it previously connected to)
  3. “New” old/used items transferred from another system to Onix (i.e New customer who previously used another system, then switched to Onix whereas all of the documentation is uploaded into new profiles established)

I can start with saying that having a standardized profile description on each and every item type has been a good practice for better looking and more compressed controlcard. Making it easier for the field operators to identify and control sub equipment on main unit for better overview.

Me personally does the whole process, as Field operator, ordering, documentation and backoffice related to process.

  1. Connecting new items
    a) Example. I have ordered 50 new psc. of item X. The supplier or provider issues a certificate from this X batch on X-date.

Case: I need 4 psc. of X out of 50 psc, attached to a main unit.

In item look-up, I select 3 out of 50 of item X, making them “inactive” and changing the profile description on the fourth to 4 psc. Example below.

To ensure its from the right batch I need to confirm issued date and certificate number is correct. Making them inactive will also lead to having the correct remaining amount of item X in list next look-up.

Previously last step was to go through this profile I edited and connect it directly to the main. But now I have 10X plus more clicks finding main and then look it up item I made and then connect it.
The challenge here is when you have more of same item X mixed with scenario 2.
example 1

b) Example. One of the workshops need 4 psc. of item X for an operation. I perform annual inspection physically (applying color coding) and then update the control card. Additionally In the description add the Workshop code for where its located.
These items will also appear in item look-up in the process of connecting item X from a main.

  1. Used Items

a). Example. When item returns offshore, workshops no longer need excess items, or a unit has been stripped for its sub equipment due to maintenance – it gets returned to my department. Marked with tags in pairs i.e two’s , four’s or singles etc., with info where it came from and what unit it was connected to. The item then is placed in a quarantine pallet/shelf.
This pallet can i.e contain item X,Y,Z of batches A and B with different certificate no., and how I verify that is to check the label tags where/which unit it originated from, and then look it up in Onix.

Case:I want to re-use 2 psc of item Y of batch B and attach them to a new main.
I locate them in Onix, but cannot connect them directly, but instead give them a “fictional temporary Unique ID” and then look them up by connecting them through main. I then need to enter the chosen 2 pcs. item Y and delete the temporary ID and then head back to main to continue task.

  1. “New to onix” used items

a) As a representative of a third party inspection company, the customer I work with now used another system from another third party. There is still many items and units that haven’t been “converted” yet, which also contains items X, Y, Z from another batch i.e C, D and E.

Case: I receive notice that a certain main unit need to be inspected. Since a I have full access to customer account to old third party system, I can easily download documentation, inspection history and its sub items connected.
These main’s have i.e item Y with batch E certificates issued by another supplier, and when initially converting this item to Onix its imperative to establish one profile for “new-used item Y” and the amount in this actual batch, in item details and keeping track of how many remaining in this actual item’s description. (text)

At the same time there’s already existing item Y of scenario 1, 2 and 3 with batch A, B and C etc.

Not having the ability to immediately connect item to main is a big issue in these scenarios.
This function was working quite well, and as I have expressed through several mails earlier, the focus on less clicks and efficiency for the operators should be considered more.
All of these extra clicks and additional time-consuming tasks related to inconvenient changes your developers implement adds up. At the end, who pays for it? Also for the operators and back-office it creates more pressure in already short timeline.

I really hope you guys either revert this change or find a solution which involves less clicks not having to move back and forth between items.

Answer for question 2 is, No. We could keep track of different items of batch A, B , C in excel, but item description in Onix works quite well for that.


Hi @vu.pham, I just had a pleasant discussion with @therese related to this product idea.
Since it’s hard to find the correct sub equipment, one possible solution is adding more filter criteria in the “Add sub equipment” panel.

Also, Therese has a very insightful example of how Redkon finds and links containers with shackles. I think you’re the best person to tell this example correctly, so could you please share the details here, @therese? :heart:

I myself have an additional question regarding this topic:
After recent releases, Onix Inspect users can link main and sub equipment from this mobile application.

Here’s how it works:

  • The inspector working on the field can hold the phone in his/her hand, open Onix Inspect and select the main equipment (for example, the container).
  • Then he/she start linking, and scan the tags on many sub equipment one by one (the shackles, the slings, other loose gears).
  • See the details here: How to manage main/sub equipment in Onix Work and mobile apps

Will this functionality (link equipment from Onix Inspect mobile app) help with your case @therese @redkon?

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Maybe this will work for inspector working on the field with the app, but we who work at the office don`t work with that app, but with Onix work. We have many customer that sends us the documentation and we have to reg. these equipment to onix. When we have registered a shackle for our customer that is not connected to any order in onix, we have to add id no. to the container on the shackle, then search for container, go to connect main unit and then search for container id number for the correct shackle to come up.
It should be possible to choose whether you want the equipment to be connected as the main unit or as a sub-unit. Because right now it is only possible to go from the main unit and connect sub-units.


Hi @redkon , @therese (cc @phuong.duong @kib @randi.egeland )

Thank you for your comprehensive explanation. We at Onix’s Product Group highly appreciate it. Your help allows us to better understand your use case, enabling us to design Onix Work as the best application for all our customers and scenarios.

Your explanation also includes many other interesting points where we will try to understand and improve Onix Work further.

Please find below my summary for understanding:

  1. The most important need is the ability to immediately connect an item to the main equipment. The process is typically more naturally driven/started from an item, followed by some modifications, then connecting it to the main equipment.
  2. Achieving point 1 with fewer clicks is crucial.
  3. For equipment identification, when it comes to sub-equipment and loose gear, the same batch could be identified by: Certificate number, Created date, Production Year, Placement (even Location), Latest mandatory inspection date, Modified date, along with Serial number, Batch number, Owner’s Equipment ID, Type, Model, and Product number.

I will discuss this with the Product Group and will share our proposed solution with you. We aim to include adjustments as soon as possible in our next release.