Is it possible to copy relationship when I create a copy from an equipment

Whenever I create a copy from an equipment, I want all the sub-equipment (if any) will be attached. Then I can continue filling in Serial/Batch No for each of them and Save.

More details:

  • We have complex configurations, with individual parts such as shackles and wires that are replaced when necessary, while the rail and running cats live a longer life of 20 years ++.
  • The big thing is when we have to enter, and when the customer has 200 identical configurations, where the variations are serial number, batch of shackles and length of the wires. Then it takes a lot of time.
  • Tried importing equipment with a csv file, but didn’t quite get the hang of it, it would have also simplified the job, because we have lists of all the equipment


Hei, Er det mulighet å kopiere relasjoner da disse ofte er sjakler og wirer å like med batch.Nr

  • Vi har sammensatt konfigurasjoner, med enkelt-deler som, sjakkel og wirer som byttes ved behov, mens skinnen og løpekattene lever et lengre liv på 20 år ++

  • Det store er når vi skal legge inn, og når kunden har 200 like konfigurasjoner, hvor variasjonene er serienummer, batch på sjakler og lengde på wirene. Da tar det mye tid.

  • Prøvde meg på import av utstyr med csv-fil, men fikk ikke helt dreisen på det, det hadde også forenklet jobben, for vi har lister over alt utstyret

For your information, most suppliers of chain slings and other small and compound equipment register the equipment just as one equipment with subcomponents listed in the comment field of the equipment. This is a faster and more simple method that helps you easily clone equipment. However, the subcomponents will only show on the equipment comment, not on the job. You’ll have to copy to job manually.

The main / sub functionality is intended for larger equipment like cranes ans.