Add Relations to equipment in Onix Worker

It would have been very useful if you could see Relations of an equipment also in the Onix Worker app, I have a lot of equipment that needs to link to a sub-equipment, also with their own documents.

The user of Onix Worker cannot see relations of equipment in the app, and they cannot get access to Onix Work to get this function either.

This would have been a very nice feature and got into Onix Worker.


Det hadde vært veldig nyttig om man kunne se Relasjoner til et utstyr også i Onix Worker Appen, har mye utstyr som har behov for å knytte opp et underutstyr dette også med egne dokumenter. Når brukeren ute ikke kan se relasjoner sånn det er i dag i Onix Worker Appen blir denne funksjonen ikke egnet i Onix Work heller for oss.

Dette hadde vært en veldig fin funksjon og fått inn i Onix Worker (Apen).

Please vote for this idea if you agree so that we can prioritize it.
If you have any inputs, we’d love to hear them :blush:

About the relations (main/ sub) of equipment on Onix Worker:

  • We had it on the Equipment tile (you can view the icons as indicators)
  • We are going to have the viewing/ editing equipment relations (main/ sub) on Onix Worker at 2024 Spring 2.
    Thank you for the awesome idea :grin:
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I am pleased to inform you that this functionality is now implemented and available in Onix Worker in the latest version, published on 10.05.2024.