Unable to use Onix Inspect and Onix Inspection in the same device


Users may encounter an issue that makes their license invalid if they use use Onix Inspect and Onix Inspection at the same time in one device.



  1. Open Onix Inspection
  2. Log in as user A (for example john@test.com)
  3. Download customer data
  4. Create a job, not upload yet
  5. Open Onix Inspect and log in as the same user (john@test…com)
  6. Download customer data
  7. Click “Continue” in the warning dialog “Pending items in other devices cannot be uploaded”
  8. Come back to Onix Inspection and upload the job created in step 4
  9. Receive the error message

The other way around would also lead to the similar result

  1. Open Onix Inspect
  2. Log in as user A (for example john@test.com)
  3. Download customer data
  4. Create a job, not upload yet
  5. Open Onix Inspection and log in as the same user (john@test…com)
  6. Download customer data
  7. Create a job
  8. Come back to Onix Inspect and upload the job created in step 4
  9. Click “Continue” in the warning dialog “Pending items in other devices cannot be uploaded”
  10. Come back to Onix Inspection and upload the job created in step 8
  11. Receive the error message

The issue was fixed in Onix Inspect version