The better way to distribute your documents

Let's think of situations where your customer wants to have the documents for all the equipment that you inspected after a long inspection, but you are struggling to find the best way.

An old-fashioned approach

In the past, the document list report in the Equipment module might be the first thing that popped into your mind, it helped you in selecting multiple equipment and getting their documents in a bulk.

But here came the troubles:

  • The document list report gathers all the documents of equipment into 1 PDF only, which turned out super slow when you selected a big load of equipment with their huge associated documents.
  • Moreover, because all the documents were gathered in 1 PDF file, it was a big hassle in viewing and searching documents for the right equipment.
  • Document list report takes intensive resources in our database to work on, so in the worst nightmare, it can get Onix to stop working for all of our customers.

This was not a modern approach in the cloud-computing era and it badly affected our customers’ experience.

Therefore, we put a limit to it and suggest you to use these better and more modern approaches below.

An advanced and much better distribution based on clouds

Send Documents Feature

Have you ever thought of sending selected documents to your customers in just a few clicks?

Moreover, you are also capable of selecting multiple equipment, categorizing documents into groups before sending then choosing the documents that you desire, and finally, distributing them via emails to your customers. Isn’t it much better?

Onix is now supporting this wonderful feature.

Easily send your documents following the instruction below:

  • Go to Onix WorkEquipment
  • Select your equipment (can be multiple equipment)
  • Select the Documents button on the toolbar.
  • In the pop-up Documents panel, choose the relevant documents from the list.
  • Click the Send button on the toolbar.
  • In the next pop-up panel, choose a recipient to receive the documents and add it to the recipient list.
  • Finish the remaining details.
  • Click Send to finish sending.

An email will be sent to your customers, which looks like this:

Click on the link and voila!
Your documents are well-prepared and managed in our clouds.

Selecting and downloading your desired documents have never been this easy!
And surely, Onix Work always tries to make it better and better day by day, this Send Documents feature will be added with many other new experiences soon!

Onix Express

Onix Express is a cloud-based solution used by equipment suppliers and inspectors in order to distribute equipment documentation to customers who are not members of the Onix Work community.

Your customers will have access to the documentation 24/7 and they can search for documents using the relevant serial number of the equipment as well.

You can take a glance at it here or contact us directly to try it out.