Service report as a document / Servicerapport som et dokument

Vi er avhengig å få tilbake service/ reparasjons rapport som et dokument slik vi hadde tidligere.
Vi er avhengige av å dokumentere det vi gjør å nå får vi ikke dokumentert dette tilstrekkelig.
Mange kunder vil legge denne rapporten inn i sitt vedlikeholdssystem f. eks SAP og har fått avvik på at de ikke har en oversikt over hva som er gjort…
I dag må vi sende med et eget word dokument til kunden etter en service som kunden kan legge inn i sitt system.

Thank you for sharing your idea. Please let us update its tag to Product Ideas - In Discussion so that we can collect more inputs from other users related to this suggestion.
If anyone finds the possibility of creating service reports in e.g. PDF format which can be shared with the customer helpful, please upvote the case and add a comment if you have more input related to this suggestion.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally and want to add this functionality in Onix Work.
We have started the specification and hope this soon will be available for you.

We update the tag for this idea to “To Be Considered” and when we have the final conclusion for when this will be implemented we will update this topic.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally and want to implement a service report for preventive maintenance jobs in the next release of Onix Work.

We will let you know when it is implemented.