Documenting maintenance for customers

Add job reports done on Preventive maintenance and Operator maintenance

The problem is that as far as I can see, there is no way to document the maintenance for customers who don`t have Onix. A document of a preventive maintenance job must be generated. Preferably just like an inspection report, with a checklist and photo.

It’s correct that there is no report or pdf document on maintenance work. But all maintenance data is available for full users.

We’re working hard to make cooperation between suppliers, inspectors and equipment owners more and more efficient. This is our first priority.

Instead of sending fixed reports from maintenance and inspection work, we think it is far more efficient that customers have their own license of Onix Work.

Having their their own license, they can:

  1. Get maintenance work reported digitally and instantly from one or many inspectors
  2. Get issues they have to handle
  3. Mange issues through graphs and drilldown
  4. See pictures of issues. Make marks on them. Make decisions about what to do ans…
  5. Register issues themselves
  6. Perform and register some maintenance work themselves (operator maintenance)
  7. Always have an updated status about their equipment.
  8. And a lot more…

If you think about it, - there are significant costs involved in handling maintenance and issues manually through fixed pdf reports. A pdf report is outdated very soon after it has been issued.

There are lot’s of savings for all parties if we can cooperate digitally.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally and want to implement the possibility to ceate pdf reports also for preventive maintenance jobs in our next release of Onix Work.

We will let you know when it is implemented.