It would be effective to see the persons name who already chekced out equipment when you use the “Checked out equipment search”.
If the “available equipment only” search is blank and we need to use the “checked out equipment” search, we have to add the equipment before you are able to see which person who has the equipment checked out. I would be useful if the field: Checked out by, was added in the equipment info at all time like in Onix work so there is no need to add equipment and then open equipment details. Is this possible?
Hi @tomcato.mydland, thanks a lot for your idea
Another Onix Tool Store user have a similar need of knowing who checked out equipment:
If Tom’s and Kristoffer’s needs are the same, perhaps we can consider this product idea for future releases @fga @phuc.nguyen?
This is not the same issue. All equipment which is checked out should have the name of the borrower in the information display so you dont have to open equipment details. To open equipment details you have to add the equipment and then open the equipment details.
Name of the borrower should be visible when you search the equipment.
It is useful for my guys to see who the borrower is when the equipment is missing in Tool store so they can contact the user and collect the tool directly.
In Onix worker this information is visible on every equipment you look up.
Hi @tomcato.mydland cc: @fga
Thank you for your valuable feedback, Onix appreciate it and we’re reviewing it carefully to enhance the ability of the Onix Tool Store
Please stay tuned for our next updates.