Perform inspection with Onix Inspect (part 1/3)

Designed for performing inspection jobs, Onix Inspect is available as Windows, Android and iOS applications. In this article, you will learn how to manage your own user preferences and work with jobs.

Change your user settings

Change language

  • Tap the Menu button on the top-left → Select Settings → Select Change language
  • Select the preferred language from the list

Storage usage

To see how much of your device’s storage is occupied:

  • Tap the Menu button on the top-left → Select Settings → Select Storage usage
  • To clean up the storage occupied by Onix Inspect, tap Clear Onix Inspect storage
  • To optimize the storage usage, switch the toggle Automatically download pictures when viewing online.
    • When the toggle is on, every time you are connected to the Internet and opening pictures of an equipment, issue, or checkpoint in Onix Inspect, those pictures will be downloaded to your device automatically
    • When the toggle is off, every time you view pictures, you must manually download them.

Download and review data

Log in (with Internet)

  1. Enter the email associated with your account.
  • Note: Make sure your account have the Onix Inspect license to be able to upload inspection results.
  1. Click Log in

Log in (without Internet)

If you have previously logged in and downloaded data to your device successfully, in case you’re logged out for any reason, you are now able to log back in to continue to your work in offline mode.

Download customer data

  1. You can download customer data by 2 means
  • On Home, click Download.
  • Select Sync in the main menu
  1. Select Customer under Download section.
  2. In Scope selection, select the downloaded scope including customer name, locations and areas (if needed)
  • Note: The downloading progress would be faster if the scope is narrowed down by location and area.
  1. Click Download
  2. Once the download is completed, click Setup to review your default settings.
  • Note: if you have downloaded previously, you can see the scope of your latest download in Downloaded section

Additionally, if you need to access the pictures and documents in offline mode, please go to Files and tick Yes on both of them.

Note: if you download customer data on a new device, any pending items on other devices will be invalid to upload.

Download your company settings

If you have made some changes in your company’s settings in Onix Work, you have to download your company settings again so that these changes come into effect in Onix Inspect.

  1. In Sync, under Download section, select My Company
  2. Click Download

Review default configuration

Before you start working, you may want to have a look at the default settings and control categories that you don’t have privileges or access to…

  • You can review the default settings by 2 means

    • In Sync, select Default configuration under Setup
    • Click the Setup button on the bottom of the Download Completed screen
  • Review Default job options: the configuration of default values downloaded from your company in Onix Work. Click image to change these values locally on your device, then click

  • Review Control category permission:

    • Control category that you don’t have access to: these are control categories that your customer doesn’t grant access to your company. In case something is configured incorrectly, contact your customer to get it fixed.
    • Control category that you have privilege: these are the control categories which you have permission to inspect. In case something is configured incorrectly, contact the administrator of your company to get it fixed.
    • Note: If there is any change related to Control categories fixed on Onix Work, you need to download your company settings again so that these changes come into effect on your device.

Edit picture

To edit or zoom in/zoom out pictures of equipment, checkpoints or issues, you need to

  • Open the picture.
  • Use your fingers or use image to zoom in/zoom out
  • Click image to open Photo Editor
  • Select the tools
  • After editing, click image to save your changes

Upload inspection results

  1. When you finish your work, you can upload data from Home or Sync module.
  • On Home, click the Upload on Finish card.
  • On Sync, select Pending upload in Upload section.
    • Either way it takes you to the review screen - where you have an overview of the number of items created or modified.
  1. Click Upload
  • ​​​​​​​It is strongly recommended you to backup the file before upload, just in case something may go wrong.
  • If there is any job that cannot be filed automatically after upload, you will see a reminder as below
  1. Once your upload is completed, you can choose one of the below options
  • Download the latest data: download latest data and start a new inspection session
  • Create a job report: review the jobs you have done with Job Report
  • Review upload history: review your uploaded data and its progress
  • Back to home and start fresh: all the local data will be cleared and you can start fresh.

Note: when the upload is in progress, you can always review how it is going in Home.


Backup/ Restore file

Create a backup file

As an inspector, it’s costly and frustrated to lose inspection data for any reason. Therefore, we suggest several approaches to secure your data.

  1. Create the backup file during the upload:
  • When you upload, a dialog will appear to let you create the backup file.
  • Press Backup → Follow the instructions.
  • If you press Skip, no backup file is created.
  1. Create a backup file before the upload:
  • Press the hamburger menu on the screen’s top left
  • Select Backup and Restore → Select Backup
  • Specific the folder where you want to save the backup file → Press Done


Restore file

Similar to Backup, from the hamburger icon hamburger.png,

  1. Navigate to Backup and Restore > Restore
  2. Select the file you want to restore


  • If you are restored the data that you have uploaded previously, any changes you are going create on this file cannot be uploaded.


  • If you restore a file in new device to upload, all the ex-devices are invalid to upload.

Refresh license key when changing devices

When you buy an Onix Inspect license, you assign this license to the inspector’s account of your company. Each license is meant to be used by ONE inspector on ONE device at a time.

With that being said, we fully understand that there are several cases that you need more than one device during inspection

  • Phone is broken, runs out of battery, or can’t connect to server
  • Other devices support the next inspection better, for the sake of convenience and efficiency.

Take that into account, we have implemented an appropriate solution to control device license.

When you log in and download or upload data in a new device - which is different from the one most recently used, any pending items in your ex-devices will no longer be valid to upload. In that case,

  • Your new device will display a warning dialog and ask for your consent before moving forward.
  • Once you agree to proceed with the new device by clicking Continue, you are no longer able to upload data from the other device.


Note : Each device used has a unique Installation ID - which is used to identify itself. However, if you uninstall Onix Inspect, then install again in the same device, the Installation ID will be refreshed as well. In that case, you will get the warning that “Pending items in other devices will not be uploaded”, but it would not be a problem as long as you are doing so in 1 device only.


Create Job Report

The Job Report remains pretty much as is - which is a tool to show your customer an overview of inspection results and delegate responsibilities. The idea is that you sit down with the customer in an office or other places where there is internet connection and run the report.

To create job report,

  1. Select Job Report in the main menu
  2. Select of criterion for the report
  3. Preview the number of equipment that you have performed inspection grouped by control category
  4. Preview the number of inspected equipment that you have performed quick inspection grouped by control category
  5. Preview list of findings and distribution of responsibility for these findings
  6. Sign job report
  7. Summarize job reports and send to selected recipients