Generate a PDF file for findings list in Issues module

  • There should be an option to generate a findings list for the findings that have
    been filtered. Generate a pdf file with the findings that have been filtered
  • This will help inspectors on jobs making a document with open findings that they
    can show the client. And then the client knows what findings they must close

Thank you for sharing your idea. Please let us update its tag to Product Ideas - In Discussion so that we can collect more inputs from other users to find an optimized solution.

If anyone finds the functionality with better reporting for Issues in the issue module helpful, please upvote the case and add your thoughts to help us understand this need.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally again and we do not have any specific plans of implementing this in near future. But we like your idea and will keep it in mind for eventually future functionality.
We update the tag for this idea to “To Be Considered” and if you or other users have more comments related to this suggestion, please add your comment to this suggestion.


We want the same thing.
We also want the option to generate either a pdf file or excel file.

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Hello @Erling.Auestad
Takk for tilbakemelding. Dette er noe vi ønsker å gjøre i fremtidige releaser og det er veldig flott at du kommenterer dette, det hjelper oss til å prioritere opp denne saken.