Can we please have improved export functionality?

My company performs inspections and certifications of equipment at installations offshore, at powergrid companies, and windmill parks.

Most of our customers demand two things after inspection:

1: a list of all findings

2: a list of all the items we have inspected

1 - A findings list is today covered by the “job report” function, but the PDF job report is formatted in such a way that it is very difficult to import it into Excel.

2- A list of all completed inspections is not possible as of today. Our customers demand a specified list of items that we have inspected, and we cant find a easy way of doing this within Onix. This becomes especially hard when there are multiple companies performing inspections for the same customer within Onix.

When this happens, we have to export a Full equipment list for that customer, and manually sort trough the data, eliminating the equipment that was not inspected by us, by manually cross-examining the data with the job list in Onix.

Could we please get an updated export function?

Just a side note: Microsoft Excel is used as one of the central programs in business management, and has more then 750 million users. All programs that handles data should also have an import and export function for that data, to-and-from Excel.

I am pleased to inform you that you now have the posibility to search for equipment being inspected in a specified periode and export this list using Print.

We do not have the posibility yet to export findings, but we already have another sugestion for this, see PDF Issue report - Product ideas / In discussion - Onix Community.

Please add your comment regarding listing findings in this product idea and follow up further progres and status in this product idea.