Equipment details in the Modern Equipment module

The Modern Equipment module is a 10x faster and smarter Equipment module with a clean and easy-to-use user interface. This is what the equipment details panel looks like. Check it out!


  • Click on an equipment to see its details
  • An equipment details panel contains these sections:
    • Main info
      • Picture
      • Equipment info
      • Action bar
      • Jobs
      • Issues
      • Documents
      • Pictures
      • Main/sub equipment to see its main and sub equipment
      • Maps
    • Equipment details
    • Jobs intervals
    • Properties
    • Projects
    • Created/Modified


  • You can see the equipment main info directly when you open the equipment details panel
  • Click on Jobs to open the Jobs panel to see all the jobs of the equipment
    • You can also add a new job to the equipment
  • Click on Issues to open the Issues panel to see all the issues of the equipment
    • You can also add a new issue to the equipment
  • Click on Documents to open the Documents panel to see all the documents of the equipment
    • You can also add a new document to the equipment, able to add multiple documents in
  • Click on Pictures to open the Pictures panel to see all the pictures of the equipment
    • You can also add a new picture to the equipment
  • Click on Main/sub equipment to open the Main/sub equipment panel to manage the main/sub equipment of the equipment
    • You can also add a main equipment or sub equipment to it
  • Click on Maps to open the map and see the equipment positions


  • All other equipment details
  • The quick view helps you:
    • Focus on your needed information
    • Combine equipment details with equipment additional info
    • Hide the empty data fields by default
    • Improve your productivity in working with equipment information
    • For more information, please refer to **[[NEW FEATURE] - Quick view for your focus in the equipment details]
  • The possibility to Expand and Collapse the section
  • Edit the details of the equipment by clicking the Edit button
    • An Edit equipment details panel will show up and you can do the editing there
    • You can only edit the field(s) depending on your role


  • See all the Job intervals, their Done dates and Due dates
  • The possibility to Expand and Collapse the section using the arrow icon

Actions and privilege

In this section, you can:

  • Add a new interval to your equipment
  • Edit or delete existing intervals
  • Edit Done date and Done status of existing intervals

PRIVILEGE NEEDED: To be able to perform these actions, in the Company settings, you MUST be granted the “Edit job intervals” privilege for the Equipment module. To have the privilege, please contact the administrator of your company.


  • See all the properties of the equipment

  • You can Edit your equipment properties or add/remove properties with the Select properties feature

  • Better manage your properties with Manage properties

  • The possibility to Expand and Collapse the section using the arrow icon image


  • Show all Projects that equipment linked to
  • You can also add equipment to a project
  • The possibility to Expand and Collapse the section using the arrow icon image



  • Show the info of the equipment such as
    • The person who created the equipment
    • The equipment created date
    • Who last modified the equipment
    • The last modified date
  • The possibility to Expand and Collapse the section using the arrow icon image