The machine directive (2006/42/EC) sets a standard of what should be included in Declaration Of Conformity

More specifically, as stated in Annex II 1 A (1) to (10) §383 in the European Commissions Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC the following has to be included in the DoC:

business name and full address of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, his authorised representative;

name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file, who must be established in the Community;

  1. description and identification of the machinery, including generic denomination, function, model, type, serial number and commercial name;

  2. a sentence expressly declaring that the machinery fulfils all the relevant provisions of this Directive and where appropriate, a similar sentence declaring the conformity with other Directives and/or relevant provisions with which the machinery complies. These references must be those of the texts published in the Official Journal of the European Union;

  3. where appropriate, the name, address and identification number of the notified body which carried out the EC type-examination referred to in Annex IX and the number of the EC type-examination certificate;

  4. where appropriate, the name, address and identification number of the notified body which approved the full quality assurance system referred to in Annex X;

  5. where appropriate, a reference to the harmonised standards used, as referred to in Article 7(2);

  6. where appropriate, the reference to other technical standards and specifications used;

  7. the place and date of the declaration;

  8. the identity and signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.

Most of the above is possible to include.

Number 3, however, is not possible to include in the “form” since this is not general information to be included on the DoC.

I need a way to add an explanatory text to the product that will be included in the DoC.


  • The thing we’re interested of is have a way to apply these in the correct places in Onix.
  • Maybe have a better free-text window in the DoC form, that allows more characters than it does today

Please vote for this idea if you agree so that we can prioritize it.
If you have any inputs, we’d love to hear them :blush:

Hi @randi.egeland
In this product idea, user want to add additional property to input the information “description and identification of the machinery, including generic denomination, function, model, type, serial number and commercial name”, to make it comply with the nnex II 1 A (1) to (10) §383 in the European Commissions Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

Could you please consult me about this?