OpenAPI - Transfer products and documents

In this guide, you can learn how to navigate and use the Transfer Products and Transfer Document API collections.

1. Products APIs

You can find it in the Company section. Using this API, you can create or update products in Onix Work faster. For more details, please refer to the Schema and description of the API.

2. Documents APIs

The Transfer Documents API collections help you effectively manage documents associated with jobs or equipment within Onix system.

Accessing the APIs

  • Open Swagger API documentation.
  • For “Transfers Documents”: Locate the Jobs and Equipment for the available API endpoints
  • To check the necessary information for Job types and forms: Locate the Common and Company for the available API endpoints

Using Transfer Documents endpoint

  • GET/v1/company/job-types: Return list of job type supported in Onix Work. For more information, please refer to the description of Onix Open API.

  • GET/v1/company/forms: Return the list of forms which is enabled by your company in Onix Work. For more information, please refer to the description of Onix Open API.

  • POST/v1/jobs: Import job for equipment

    • To create or update a job by sending the required payload. Please ensure that you provide accurate mandatory information*: jobType, jobForm, filed, equipment.*
    • Some of the information needs to be get from get endpoints
      • locationID – Get/v1/company/{companyOwner}/locations
      • jobType – Get/v1/company/job-types
      • jobForm – Get/v1/company/forms

For more information about each field’s meaning and use guide, please use Schema as an official reference.

  • POST/v1/jobs/{jobId}/documents: Import document for job

    • To create (upload) a document for job by sending the required payload. Please ensure that you provide accurate mandatory information: description, documentType, contentType, data.
    • The data is base64 string format; therefore please convert your documents into this format for using this endpoint.
    • For more information about each field’s meaning and use guide, please use Schema as an official reference.
  • POST/v1/equipment/{equipment-id}/documents: Import documents to equipment

    • To create (upload) a document for equipment by sending the required payload, please ensure that you accurately provide the following mandatory information: description, documentType, contentType, data.
    • The data is base64 string format; therefore please convert your documents into this format for using this endpoint.
    • For more information about each field’s meaning and use guide, please use Schema as an official reference.