Freetext field in checklist / Fritekst felt i sjekklister

Vi benytter Onix til kalibrering og kontroll av måleverktøy. Vi hadde hatt god bruk for sjekklister til dette arbeidet. I dag har sjekklistene bare mulighet for avkrysning for OK eller ikke. Det hadde vært fint om kontrollpunkt også kunne hatt fritekst felt. Har kunne målt verdi vært lagt inn. Om den målte verdien er innenfor toleranse ville sjekkpunktet blitt OK(grønt).

English translation
We use Onix for calibration and control of measuring tools. We had good use for checklists for this work. Today, the checklists only have the option of ticking OK or not.

It would have been nice if the control point could also have a free text field. Could the measured value have been entered. If the measured value is within tolerance, the checkpoint would be OK (green).


Hi @jostein.gevelt, thanks a lot for sharing your idea!
As a Community’s staff, to ensure accessibility for everyone, I just added an English translation to your original post. Please let me know if it needs any correction :heart:

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Thank you for sharing your idea. Please let us update its tag to Product Ideas - In Discussion so that we can collect more inputs from other users related to this suggestion.
If anyone finds this suggestion helpful, please upvote the case and add a comment if you have more input related to this suggestion.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally again and we do not have any specific plans of implementing this in near future. But we like your idea and will keep it in mind for eventually future functionality.
We update the tag for this idea to “To Be Considered” and if you or other users have more comments related to this suggestion, please add your comment to this suggestion.