Download & use customers’ shared checklists in Onix Inspect

The Spring 2 Release 2023 has enabled Onix Inspect users to use checklists pre-made and shared by customer companies. This much-anticipated enhancement will save you time and effort as checklists become easy to download, up-to-date and consistent with customer standards.

Your customer MUST finish setting up and set the checklists’ accessibility as “Shared - editable”. (How to edit checklist’s accessibility?)

To apply and switch shared checklists:

  • Download shared checklists: your customer’s shared checklists will be downloaded together with their company data.
  • In the Equipment module:
    • Select equipment —> Add new job —> the shared checklists will appear in the relevant job class with a “Required” note —> Select the wanted checklist —> Complete it or Change checklist.
    • Note: All data you have entered in the job will be lost if you change the job class or checklist.


  • In the Jobs module:
    • Select the job —> Checklist —> Complete it or Change checklist.
    • Select the job —> Edit the Job details —> Change Job class or Checklist.
    • Note: All data you have entered in the job will be lost if you change the job class or checklist.
