Montasjekontroll / Installation

English translation:
When I carry out an mandatory inspection on equipment, open findings from the previous periodic inspection are automatically closed.
Mandatory checks that are carried out must not affect any findings from regular expert periodic checks

Når jeg gjennomfører en Montasjekontroll på utstyr blir åpne funn fra forrige periodiske kontroll automatisk lukket.

Montasjekontroll som blir utført må ikke påvirke eventuelle funn fra vanlig sakkyndig periodisk kontroll.

Thank you for your idea to make Onix Work more efficient.
We have discussed this internally again and we do not have any specific plans of implementing this in near future. But we like your idea and will keep it in mind for eventually future functionality.
We update the tag for this idea to “To Be Considered” and if you or other users have more comments related to this suggestion, please add your comment to this suggestion.