Introduction to Projects

Project is designed to help group equipment for a specific purpose. It can be a group of equipment that is located in a specific area or needs to be inspected in an inspection campaign.

Create a project

In order to manage projects, first and foremost, you need to have the privilege of “Manage connected contents”.

To create a project of your own company,

  1. Log in to Onix Work
  2. Click the Setting wheel on the top right corner
  3. Under My Company section, select Projects
  4. Click New
  5. Fill in the project name, period and comments (if any)
  • Note: the project name must be unique within the company
  1. Click Save

To create a project for your connected or express companies

  1. Log in to Onix Work
  2. In the main navigation, select Companies
  3. Find the company you want to create project for
  4. In this company, select the Project tab
  5. Click New
  6. Fill in the project name, period and comments (if any)
  • Note: the project name must be unique within the company
  1. Click Save

Add or remove equipment in a project

Add equipment to a project

To add equipment to a project.

  1. Find that equipment in Onix Work
  2. In Main tab, scroll down to Projects section
  3. Click Add new
  4. Select the project, and then click Save



  • You can add multiple equipment to a project using the multi selection control

Remove equipment from a project

To remove an equipment from a project

  1. Find that equipment in Onix Work
  2. In Main tab, scroll down to Projects section
  3. Click the Remove button
  4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog

Note: You can also add or remove equipment from a project in Onix Inspect

Find equipment in a project

In Onix Work, Project is now available in the search panel on the left.


In Onix Inspect, project filter is available in Search this view

Set a project as Inactive

The default state of a project is Active. If you find it no longer relevant, you can set it as Inactive. Once being inactive, the project will not appear in the selection

  1. Click the Settings wheel on the top right corner (or select Companies and find the company - if you want to deactivate a project of your customer)
  2. Select Projects.
  3. In Details, uncheck the checkbox, then Save
