[FAQ] Alternative to the Recent tab in the Modern Equipment module

After the old Equipment module is retired, you are looking for the Recent tab in the new one. However, it’s not there.

How to quickly find equipment that you’re working on? The answer lies in 2 standard view - My recently updated and Latest mandatory inspection job.


1. My recently updated

This view contains equipment that you’ve just modified, saving both time and effort thanks to:

  • Filter in the view: Modified by = You (the logged in user).
  • Default sorting option: Modified date in Z-A order (equipment with latest date appears on top).

2. Latest mandatory inspection job

Quickly get the information of the latest mandatory jobs with the following display fields:

  • Latest mandatory inspection job date
  • Latest mandatory inspection job done by
  • Latest mandatory inspection job status

By default, the equipment list in this view is sorted against the Latest mandatory job date field in Z-A order (equipment with latest date appears on top).​ If you’re using the Table layout, the 2nd-level sort option is Modified date in Z-A order.


3. Switch to these views

To use the view, you should:

  • Cclick on the view’s name
  • Select Pick a view
  • Select My recently updated or Latest mandatory inspection job from the list of standard views.