Control categories to be added

Hi, could you pls help us add these new control categories ?

• FFLB Davit
• FFLB Boat
• FFLB Hook
• TELB Davit
• TELB Boat
• TELB Hook
• FRB Davit
• FRB Boat
• FRB Hook
• MOB Davit
• MOB Boat
• MOB Hook
• LR Davit
• LR Hook
• Accommodation Ladder
• Gangway
• Pilot Ladder
• Embarkation Ladder

Hi @iva.pogacnik, your suggestion will be followed up by our team :blush:
Meanwhile, would you mind sharing more legal reference, or requirements of your work that lead to the need for these control categories?

Hello Phuong

We do LSA Inspection onboard vessel according to SOLAS and the LSA code. The suggested categories are the different types of equipment we encounter. The inspections are specified in MSC 402 (96) & 404 (96).

I hope to have informed you properly. If you wish to have further information don’t hesitate to get back to us.

Have a lovely day

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We try to keep the control categories in Onix Work general. If we shall create control categories for every variant of an equipment type, we will end up with a very long list.
When we look at your list we think the existing control categories will cover your need.

A1 - Launching appliances for free fall lifeboats
A2 - Lifeboats launched by falls and a winch
A3 - Launching appliances for escape chutes
A4 - Launching appliances for rafts
A5 - Escape lines
A6 - Launching appliances for rescue boats
A7 - Personnel transfer carriers
LSP - Portable ladders and stairs

If you need to split more, we recommend you use Type for the relevant equipment or create a product for each of the equipment type you want and link to the equipment.

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Hi Randi, we simply need the new requested categories to be set up as we unfortunately can´t use the default set up that you´re suggesting

Can you explain a little more why you need the new control categories and cannot use the more general ones.
Is it to search for information, default checklists or another reason.
Please explain a little more about why you need these detailed control categories so we can understand this better.

We have discussed this internally and decided not move forward with this product idea. We have not got other any other customers giving us feedback about the need of these new control categories and we think using the existing control categories in addition to Type will be OK.

@iva.pogacnik I highly recommend you to share some more details about the motivation regardring the request for more control categories. My collegue Randi has previously requested more explanaition about the matter.

Kind regards, Thomas Ljengkvist