Generate large amounts of orders and equipment with Onix Maker

Onix Maker (a.ka. UP Order Import) is used by producers for suppliers, to generate large amounts of orders and equipment from an Excel data source. It is especially useful for pairing equipment ID with pre-determined RFID/QR identifiers.

Log in to Onix Maker

Insert your Onix Work user account in Email and Password , and click Apply .
If it is authenticated, Onix Maker will show your company ID and user ID.
Click OK to log in.

Data import

Initially, the import screen will be empty.
If this is an actual order for a customer, insert the order number and select the appropriate customer.

Open your Excel spreadsheet to get the data ready for import.
Your Excel sheet should have the exact same columns format as the import window list:

  • Article ID: Must be an existing Onix Work product number
  • Serial Number: Must be unique
  • Batch Number: If relevant
  • Quantity: Must always be 1 if Serial Number is inserted
  • Prod. Year: yyyy format
  • Global Id: Must be from the original range provided by Onix

Select the rows in Excel and copy them.

Go back to the import window and paste the Excel contents into the list.


Your order options should always include Test for Article No , Include Global ID and Create Equipment .
Create Job and File Job should only be used when you are generating an actual customer order.

Validate and Transfer

Once your data is in and you options are verified, click Validate to check for any errors.
If the validation is successful, the Transfer button will be activated so that you can transfer your data.