[FAQ] You do not receive any emails from Onix Work (or Onix, in general)

If you do not receive the expected emails from Onix Work, you should:

1. Check whether the email address used in Onix Work is correctly spelled?

We suggest that you check this properly by:

  • Copy the email address used in Onix Work.
  • Use your ordinary email system, like Outlook or Gmail and paste the email address there as a receiver of a test email.
  • Check if the test email is received.

2. Check spam/junk folders:

The person who’s supposed to receive the emails from Onix Work should check if the emails from Onix Work end up in any spam/junk email folder in the email system.

3. White list emails from onix.com:

The person who’s supposed to receive the emails from Onix Work should send this message to the people who own the IT department: “Please white list all emails from onix.com ”.