[FAQ] How to add new display fields (such as Serial no.) to the current equipment view

To add new display fields to the current view, kindly follow these instructions:

Step 1. If your current view is a Standard view (What are Standard views?):

  • (Please skip Step 1 if your current view is a Custom view)
  • Create a copy of your current view (see image)
  • Name the view
  • (Optional) Share the view with relevant users

Create a copy of your current Standard view

Step 2. Go to Edit current view.

Step 3. Change your display fields to what you want to (see image) :

  • In the Table layout, display fields will be shown as columns. You can add up to 30 display fields (including ID)
  • In the Split layout, display fields will be shown as rows in your equipment tile. You can add up to 6 display fields (including ID)
  • To reorder the display fields, hover on the display fields and drag and drop this icon drag-and-drop icon

Step 4. Save and pin your view if you want to make it the default view every time you go to the Modern Equipment module.