Edit properties for multiple equipment

Is there any, possibility to implement several properties, to a whole group. So that you do not have to manualy use Edit properties for all 500 items.

Here’s one of our suggestions to meet this need:

  • Create a new product for the actual Control category which you want to add properties. (Control category is mandatory field in product and you need to create one product for each control category.)

  • In the product you create you may insert only the property label or insert property label and relevant property content.

  • Search in equipment module after the equipment you want to add property to.

  • Select the actual equipment and select “Link to product” in the multiple equipment menu.

  • Choose the relevant product and all the selected equipment will be updated with the information from the selected product.

Make sure the listed equipment has the same Control category as the selected property you want to link, if not the control category will be changed for the selected equipment as well as inserting new properties