Add the job status and comment fields in the same panel with the job details

Have the comment and job status one pop up slide before:

  • Shown on the photo: the comment and job status section is moved one pop up slide earlier.
  • This saves the clients and inspectors 2 clicks per equipment/job inspection. This will save time on the worksite.

In the Winter Release 2024, we merged the sections Job status and comment and Form to the section Job details.
The clients and inspectors after editing other information like Job date, Done by, Responsible… can edit Job status and Comment on the same working session. I will help to save 2 clicks per inspection.
Could you please experience again, and let us know whether you feel it efficient or not, and give us further feedbacks if any?

How will we add the jobs on onix as well the renting tools

Hi @elisabeth.rogate.tsa
Do you need a general set of instructions on how to create jobs in Onix Work?
Or is this a direct input for the product idea to improve the job details panel?

I am pleased to inform you that this functionality is now implemented and available in Onix Work in the latest version, published on 19.01.2024.

The job comment and job status have been merged into the Job Details section, reducing the number of clicks needed to edit all the information for the job.