Utlån av utstyr


  1. I siste vindu før bekreftet utlån identifiseres utstyret med serienummer, eiers id og eller batchnummer. Her savner jeg mulighet til å se type og modell som vises i vinduet før.
  2. Utstyr som snart forfaller (gult ikon) kan lånes ut etter forfall, f.eks forfall pliktig 30.08, jeg setter returdato 01.09. En god ide kan vær å legge til et varsel - “Utstyret forfaller i låneperioden, er du sikker du ønsker å låne ut utstyret”

English translation:

  1. In the last window before confirmed checkout, the equipment is identified by serial number, owner’s ID and or batch number. Here I miss the opportunity to see the type and model that is displayed in the window before.
  2. Equipment that is due soon (yellow icon) can be loaned after due date, e.g. mandatory due date 30.08, I set a return date of 01.09. A good idea might be to add a notice - “The equipment expires during the loan period, are you sure you want to lend the equipment”

Hi @kasper.heigre, I added an English translation to your original post, so that everyone else can access your idea. Please review and edit if if necessary :slight_smile:

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Hi @kasper.heigre ,
Thank you for your valuable points, please find our responses below:

  1. The screen you mentioned is “Review” screen, so we try to narrow down the number of fields (just focus on serial fields and additional info - expected return date/ place to be used). Currently, Onix is trying to have a better design for this screen and the whole check out/in flow. Please stay tuned for our next updates.
  2. It makes total sense for this point.
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