Manage documents from the Shared document library

The Summer 1 Release 2023 introduces significant changes to the control of base documents across three modules: Orders, Products, and Settings. The redesigned interface and streamlined functionalities aim at making document handling more efficient and user-friendly.

1. Interface overview

The redesigned document list is applied in 3 modules: Orders, Products, Settings.

  • The list of documents and their details are displayed in a clear, intuitive table.
  • The columns are resizable.
  • Edit: Click this button to adjust the document’s details, from general information to properties.
  • Sort: Click on a field’s name to sort documents against that field.
  • Search and Filter:
    • Search the document properties in the search box to quickly locate the documents.
    • Filter out documents based on their status and types.

2. Work with shared documents from Orders module

Add documents from the Shared document library

  • In the order line’s Documents tab, click Add document → Choose Shared document library.
  • Search for the relevant document using the Search box or Filter options —> Select 1 or multiple documents —> Apply.
  • The newly added documents will have “Shared document library” origin.

Remove documents with “Shared document library” origin

To avoid processing a document uploaded from your device or added via the Shared document library, select the file and click on Remove button. The file will instantly disappear from the order line.

You cannot undo this Remove action. To include the document in order line processing, you must add it from your device or the Shared document library again.

3. Work with shared documents from Products module

See details in Roll on with Products module.

4. Manage Shared document library in the Settings module

Link or unlink shared documents to products

In Onix Work - Shared document library, you can view a table of shared documents and learn about their linked products via Products column.

  • To view which products are using a certain shared document, click on the underlined number.
  • Type document or product number in the search box to find a shared document.
  • To link or unlink one or multiple documents to product(s):
    • Select the wanted item(s) —> Link to product
    • Select one or more products —> Apply.

Upload documents to Shared document library

To upload a shared document from your local device:

  • Click on Add document —> Drag and drop the file to upload or browse your device.

Update active status and version of a shared document

You cannot delete a shared document from the Shared document library, but you can make it inactive or update its version:

  • To set it as inactive: Select the document —> Turn the Active toggle off.
  • To update it with the latest version: Select the document —> Click on Replace —> Browse and upload the latest file from your device.

Group shared documents

Click on a column’s header to group documents by that field.

Edit information of shared documents

  • To edit one document:
    • Select the item —> Click Edit —> Make changes to suitable fields.
    • Click Expand to preview for convenience when filling in information.
  • To edit multiple documents:
    • Select the wanted items —> Click Edit all —> Make changes to suitable fields.